Business technology solution for today’s workers

Business technology solution for today’s workers means that they may be carrying two mobile phones with them when they go to work. Why? 

Mobile phones are usually safe. These devices have well-developed security plans in place, when used properly. Companies have installed protections for the business phones their employees use at work. These protections prohibit the installation of additional software. Un-vetted attachments cannot be opened or downloaded. 

However, personal devices don’t come equipped with these protective measures. Consequently, businesses prohibit their employees from using their own devices while at work. The business technology solution for these workers is to carry two mobile phone devices around with them. One mobile phone is for personal use and the other one is only for business tasks.

Business technology solution for mobile phones in the workplace

Today, smartphones are an essential business tool. Business executives rely on their mobile phones to make travel reservations, file expense reports, or reserve a hotel room. Lawyers use smartphones to respond to requests or motions without leaving the courtroom. Firefighters download building blueprints. Forest fighters locate satellite imagery that conveys weather information, resource locations or fire burning patterns.

Salespeople and marketers have a better chance of closer a sale when they have access to the inventory and productions data of their customers. A field technician’s ability to ask the opinions of their peers help them resolve a problem on the first visit instead of making repeated service calls. Most commercial delivery trucks are equipped with GPS surveillance technology that helps their companies locate assets. During unexpected traffic tie-ups, drivers can contact their company’s offices to notify customers about the delivery delay. The office personnel can then revise the delivery schedule timetable.

Private industry has adapted to the concept of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). However, the federal government has not. People can use their own devices without training. However, with the business phones that the company provides, employees require training on the new device that is unfamiliar to them. People don’t have a learning curve with BYOD mobile phones because they use them daily and already know how they work.

Mobile phone apps that can help workers become more productive at work

Business technology solution and the visitor center at Fort Moultrie in South Carolina.Looking at palm trees outside your office building could be a distraction from work related tasks.

Seventy-five percent of employers claim that “distractions” cost two hours or more each day in lost productivity. Employers think that this affects supervisor/employee relationships, client relationships and the quality of work. The result is missed deadlines and lost revenue.

The following six apps are a business technology solution that can help employees manage work distractions.

  • Escape – tracks how many times the user engages in non-work related mobile phone activities. The detailed report provides information about the areas causing the most distractions.
  • One Big Thing – acts as a digital planner that helps to establish a routine that focuses on important tasks.
  • Time – sets up color coded system for each task and then creates specific time allowances for each one.
  • Forest – offers visual rewards with a flourishing tree after finishing each important task.
  • Hocus Focus – closes down distracting applications, in order to finish tasks that are more important.
  • HazeOver – lights up the current tab currently used to complete work on a computer monitor. Other tabs are dimmed to create less visual distractions. 
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